By Incongruous Circumspection
A week ago, my one-year old daughter dumped a scalding hot thermos of
coffee down the front of her shirt. It was entirely my fault and I was
devastated. Luckily, her burns were only minor with two small spots
where it burned through to the fourth dermis layer. It has healed
quickly and she is on the fast track to recovery. Unfortunately, the
lasting effect is that we have to monitor the worst areas for the next
two years so they don't get sunburned. Then, we're home free. The
doctors do not expect any scarring, which is the most important factor
to me.
The outpouring of support we received was phenomenal. Relatives called
from all over the country, friends contacted us from overseas.
Inquiries were made to relatives of our relatives to check up on their
little granddaughter. It warmed me from the ends of my rarely clipped
toenails to the tips of my graying locks.
But, my wife did receive one letter that made me fall out of my chair.
I do not hold this person accountable for these words because it is a
mainstream Christian concept that they parroted. I also must say that
it did not affect me at all, emotionally. I have very thick skin and,
frankly, arguments like this are so easy to logically see through to
the other side, rendering them utter foolishness.
At first, the letter started out with concern about my daughter and
was very warm and loving. Then, it turned weird. I quote:
"I am praying that God will work through this tragedy to help you feel
His comfort, and realize how much He truly loves you all and longs to
have a relationship with you if you'll let Him!"
Really?! So, God caused a scalding hot thermos of coffee to tip off a
table onto my daughter, giving her second degree burns and two years
of therapy just so he could save me? I'm not buying it. Now, since I
rejected that little nudge from God, is he going to throw one of my
kids over the second floor banister? If I still don't love him, will
he then maim a few more of my little children, whom I love dearly?
Maybe he'll take away my wife next time. Maybe she'll get cancer or
multiple sclerosis. Or, worse yet, I'll get the dreaded and incurable
ALS. Any way you cut it, God is perfectly happy hurting my child to
get himself a believer.
Here is my deepest question:
Why the hell would ANYONE want to believe in a selfish, immature,
narcissistic, hateful, murderous, and unloving god like that?!!! And
how is my kid being burned by god "comfort"!!? That god is not a
loving god and I will never even give him a thought. I am perfectly
capable of taking care of myself. My daughter is already well aware of
the pain a thermos of coffee can cause and won't even go near an empty
one, let alone anything that we tell her is hot. We have implemented
other safety measures throughout the years to keep our children safe
and healthy. We can do it by ourselves.
Finally, I do not blame the writer of this letter. I really don't. If
you believe in the god of the Bible, it is imperative to think this
"The LORD is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and
rebellion. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes
the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth
generation." - Numbers 14:18
No amount of pretzelified theology can escape this one. God is the
same, yesterday, today, and forever. His character and sense of
justice do not change.
Stand by while I go hug my kids and tell them I love them. They will
never have to fear a non-existent being that hates them for my sins.
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