
Sunday, 10 June 2012

Hey God, I am OK

By Dano ~

Every now and then I find myself wondering if there really is a way to
communicate with whatever force that caused us to exist. The thought
that I just might accidentally stumble upon a way to ask our creator
for favors, and get answers is a reoccurring, futile mental exercise,
that I delve into on occasion. The simple answer, to which, I suspect,
has always been right in front of me all along.

Big Bang!!!
Big Bang!!! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Perhaps we are already in communication, by default with whatever
pulled the trigger for the 'Big Bang'. Maybe in that millisecond of
pure energy explosion, we became a part of whatever is, was, or ever
will be. We were preordained to evolve from slime on some prehistoric
beach, and be made of the stuff of the universe.

I keep thinking that life has been difficult for some time now and I
sure would like to hit the god lottery. I've thought and thought about
it, and even looked at the writings of those who claim to speak to the
guy who made us, but to no avail. None of them appear sane enough to
me that I would want to emulate their success. Maybe it's just that
they are so entwined in the bliss that they claim has been bestowed
upon them by the big guy in the sky, that they are willing to forsake
all rational and critical thought, and just want to wallow in the
splendor of their success.

I'm sure you know a few folks who will tell you that their faith in,
say, Bible God and Jesus, is all that matters to them. I am sure that
if I had to become as gullible as a child, as the bible recommends in
several verses of that "GOOD BOOK", and had to give up the cherished
skepticism that has served me so well these many years, that I not
only would become poor in material wealth, but my mind would
degenerate into the same disconnected, circular, credulous way
thinking that I see in all Jesus freaks and bible-thumpers. No I just
instinctively , and logically feel that whatever god is, It is above
all else, by necessity, rational.

God in my humble opinion, certainly wouldn't look like, act, or
demonstrate any of the qualities of a human male. (Maybe a female)
Humans kill each other for frivolous reasons, are jealous,
narcissistic, vain, greedy and need to be loved -- qualities that a
god would have no need to possess. The fictional "Bible-god" has all
of these deficits and more.

I'm not the first person to hope that I will be rewarded somehow for
remaining true to the belief that everything is as it should be, and
that any force powerful enough to explode everything from that
infinitesimally small speck of matter with the potential of becoming
our universe, wants no part of our attempts to trivialize our
beginning with the self relevant, pathetic, magical, mystical,
cartoonish concepts of the Bible, and its anthropomorphic, very
flawed, main character.

I'm sorry to report at this writing that life is still a mystery to
me, and the older I get, not having a clue as to what or why "It" put
us here, is starting to somehow be OK with me.

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