"if you meet Buddha on the road, kill him"
That was a famous teaching from Buddhism itself. What does it mean?
There are people who owned expensive mountain bike. They also owned expensive helmet, cycling gear and almost 100 cycling magazines. But they carried their bike on a SUV. Go to some remote places, and cycling for few kilometers, and go home with SUV. Are they cyclist ? A big NO.
But there are old people who owned a very cheap bicycle. They cycling for 20 kms per day. They are the REAL cyclist.
Let's look at Christians.
There are many who went to church 3 times per week. Know the verses of the Bible by heart. They thought they knew everything about life and universe.
They even truely believe that they are going to heaven and all the others are going to hell because they experienced a feeling called "born again".
But they only love their own kind.
They dig out every other errors and mistakes from other religion and people and enjoyed exposing it. But they forgot they are the biggest jerk.
They are so arrogance because they believed they are going to heaven. So arrogant that they don't have friends and even spouse. Nobody like them.
They are not followers of Christ, they are hypocrites.
Well said. I have yet to find a living christian. Going to church everyday or doing gotong royong or helping people do not make a person a christian. Some christians even feel proud to be crowned a "Datuk", and have a strings of titles after his name.. what a shame. Those whom I thought are christian turned out to be no better than Alibaba & the Forty Thieves. I think the only christian is Christ himself (Not Datuk Christ), and if He is really walking amongst us, He will be barred from preaching, thrown into jail, kicked out from every church! So, kill Buddha is as real as crucify Christ.
ReplyDeleteSo who will go to Heaven? Ha ha ha.... I am already in Heaven.. don't you know??!!
before anything else, look closely at the mirror. how does your face look like?
ReplyDeleteactually I did look at myself at the mirror, and I saw :
ReplyDelete1. I am not a person who judge a person whether he/she is a christian anymore. Now I am a lovable person
2. I don't have to make decisions based on stupid teaching and bullshit anymore. I made judgement on my own. I am an open minded new and good person now.
3. I found true happiness because I accept life for what it is, not based on bullshit and idiotic teaching.
the buddha was already dead. so, why take the trouble to kill him?